Practice Areas
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Complex Property Division
- Marital Torts
- Asset Tracing
- Divorce Finanical Recovery
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Visitation
- Modifications and Relocation
- Prenuptial Agreements
- After Marriage Agreements
- Pre and Post-divorce Planning
- Enforcement of Orders
- Hague Convention
- Mediation
- Collaborative Family Law
- Paternity and Support
Practice Areas
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Complex Property Division
- Marital Torts
- Asset Tracing
- Divorce Finanical Recovery
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Visitation
- Modifications and Relocation
- Prenuptial Agreements
- After Marriage Agreements
- Pre and Post-divorce Planning
- Enforcement of Orders
- Hague Convention
- Mediation
- Collaborative Family Law
- Paternity and Support

Raggio & Raggio
3316 Oak Grove Ave., Ste. 100,
Dallas, Texas
TEL: 214.880.7500
FAX: 214.880.7506
Raggio & Raggio
3316 Oak Grove Ave., Ste. 100,
Dallas, Texas
TEL: 214.880.7500
FAX: 214.880.7506
Family Law Articles:
The articles below have been described as "impressive," "best content, some of which is available no where else," "great site," "lots of content about Texas family law and the Dallas courts divorce process, both for lawyers and non-lawyers alike," as well as receiving the ultimate compliment: Other leading Texas divorce attorneys are sending THEIR clients to this website to learn about the Law, and saying that this site is the acknowledged leader in Texas! This was the first website about Texas Divorce and Family Law put up by a Certified Family Law Specialist, and is visited thousands of times each month. Take your time; one attorney said it definitely takes more than one visit to absorb the posted information. This site has been up and running longer than any other site in Texas on this subject area. The first article, How a Texas Divorce Case Works, has been viewed over well over a hundred thousand times.
- How a Texas Divorce Case Works
- Gay Divorce in Texas is In Play
- Collaborative Divorce
- Blood from a Stone: Finding and Determining Income in These Tough Economic Times
- 2007 Legislative Changes
- 2011 Legislative Changes
- 2009 Legislative Changes
- Top Ten Texas Comments on the Paul McCartney-Heather Mills Divorce
- International Family Law
- United States Supreme Court Rules in Texas Child Custody case, applying the Hague Convention
- The U. S. Supreme Court Rules in Grandparent Access Case
- Major Change in Child Custody Law in Interstate Cases
- Texas Grounds for Divorce
- Texas Divorce Residency and Time Requirements
- Texas Marital Property Issues
- Common Law Marriage
- 2003 Legislative Changes
- How to Handle Liabilities for You and Your Spouse and Your Children
- Tracing Assets..... Excerpt from The Divorce Lawyers by Emily Couric
- Texas Child Custody Issues
- Texas Standard Possession Order
- Texas Child Support Issues
- Relocation Cases
- The Unofficial Parents' Guide to the Dallas County Family Court System [Revised]
- Dallas Divorce Courts' Mediation Policies
- Mediation in Divorce Prevents Bloody Fights
- Family Law Mediation: Pure Form is the Portend for the Future
- The Psychological Divorce--excerpt from highly praised book
- The Artof Negotiations
- Family Mediation-Good for Clients, Good for Lawyers
- Travel Planning with Children After September 11th
- Texas Tornado: An Autobiography of a Crusader for Women's Rights and Family Justice by Louise B. Raggio with Vivian Castleberry
- Divorce, Remarriage...for the Older Client
- Your Day in Court
- Ten Divorce Tax Tips